Friday, April 26, 2013

A Birthday Shoutout

To celebrate the 27th birthday of my most-awesome sister, I bring you pictures from the past 10 years or so. The baby ones are way too cute and I think you might spend all day looking at those. These are fun and sassy, just like they should be. Lots of pictures coming your way...

Kristen - I love your personality, encouraging words, and heart of gold. You are the best sister for me. And that's what makes our relationship unique. Love. Love is the answer. 

Enjoy today and the rest of forever!

You will always find more drinks than food in the fridge

She's got a great niche for decorating 

We love Lil' Lenny (and try to take a siblings pic every time we're together)

Visiting SB last summer :)

3 Generations

#1 Fan. Always.

Smile with your eyes :D

Just the 3 of us. ATL trip :)

...with Green Apple. Our beloved rental car for the week

Partyyy time

Such a good big sistahhh 

Comforter. Supporter. Friend. 

"A" for awesome. That's what you are!


Monday, April 22, 2013

SOOO Much Good Stuff!

Life has been busy. Really busy. Between school and work, I have had little free time. 

But that's okay. There is always a bright side. 

In no particular order, here are the things of greatness in my life as of right now....

The Canon Powershot is A-OKAYYYYY!!!
And this picture is living proof (excuse the mess, tonight is self-manicure night)

Health and Happiness. I've got family and friends who are alive and well. Everyone has a place to sleep tonight. And food to eat. Life is good. 

Bye-bye Blackberry. I'm getting an iPhone. And joining the 21st Century. Finally. 


It's official. I'm official. Yep, that's my donor registration card!

Living quarters are clean, squeaky clean.  
Laundry is done. 

My car is (finally) washed, should have been done 5 weeks ago. 

Grocery shopping for the week is done.
I've finished 3 weeks of school, only 7 more to go. 

Now all that needs to be done is:
Read for Education Policy - due tomorrow
Read for Organizational Change - due Wednesday

Sunday, April 7, 2013

March in Review

Well folks, it's official...the Canon PowerShot SD 750 Digital ELPH 7.1 Mega Pixels is going to heaven. As you will see in the pictures below, the PowerShot must have fallen for the 1435748329548 time and now adds an ink blot to all pictures. Not cool. The Powershot has been with me since AT LEAST 2006. Such a great camera that I would recommend to anyone. The Powershot has been to South Africa, traveled the world on Semester at Sea and been on my impromptu/planned vacation excursions around the US. 

We've had an awesome 7+ years and I'm almost positive that no camera will be as faithful to me as the Powershot.

In case you forgot...this is the PowerShot looking fab as usual.

Now on to March. I had the opportunity to travel. One of my favorites things in life, so I jumped on it and took off. I flew to Vegas then traveled with a friend from Semester at Sea (Katie) to see the Hoover Dam, spend two days sightseeing near/at the Grand Canyon, spend two days near Sedona, then 5 days in Phoenix with my sister and a weekend in SoCal for fam time and an Easter brunch. 

The trip was a time for adventure, fun, new food, great drinks, shopping and much needed time with loved ones. I give this one 2 thumbs up! Here are some pics please ignore the black spot on my pics :( ...

1. Vegas breakfast buffet plate
2&3. Hoover Dam

Grand Canyon: A beautiful place in Arizona where the air is cool
when the wind picks up and the sun goes down.

1. Seligman, AZ Birthplace of Route 66 b/c it's the longest stretch of Route 66 still remaining
2. Just like the movie cars :)
3. Famous barbershop along Route 66
4. Williams, Az Route 66

Jerome, Az
Never would have guessed that such a place would be so magical and entertaining and historical.

Our drive home wouldn't be complete without $3.579/gallon gas and Chipotle

Family. Love them. Gotta have them.

P.S. Did you notice that some of my pics don't have the black spot??!! Well, it looks like the Canon PowerShot may have one last leg. Wouldn't that be an amazing, cost-saving, blessing! I'll investigate and let you know what's up. 

P.P.S. It's a good thing that I'm not looking for a new facebook profile picture because my options without a black spot would be limited.