Thursday, July 25, 2013

July Photo Dump

It's that time of the month where I haven't blogged in a couple weeks and I look at my phone that now has more than one post worth of pictures stored on it. 

So here it goes. 

Pictures for you and some words to connect the dots. 
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1. After graduating from UCSB with my master's degree...
Master's Graduation Ceremony!

2. I traveled to and from home on the weekends for some family time and relaxation
I ventured home to find a room waiting for me. My grandma is precious.

3. After church one Sunday my Aunt, Uncle, cousins and myself decided to try Cafe Rio. They just opened up one close by and I would definitely recommend this place.  Great atmosphere, quality food, spot-on prices, and a great portion size. Win, win, win, win....if you ask me!

My Salad :) With fresh-made, hand-made tortilla

Sweet Pork Barbacoa was SOOOO good

4. And back in Santa Barbara I have been keeping busy outdoors. Just the way a summer should be spent. 

Hiking in SB...gotta hike UP to see OUT. So incredibly worth it.

5. And getting back into a workout routine...
Bikram Yoga for the first time!

6. And working. Duhhh. Bills don't get paid on their own. It does help when your work has "recess" with a bounce house, ice cream sundaes, zumba, and a variety of other fun activities -- like UCSB! 
Bounce House at Work :) 

 7. One last picture from the lagoon on campus today. That's the pacific ocean just beyond the lagoon. Our afternoons have been glorious!
SB Gorgeousness and "Gaucho Recess" activities on the right!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

The Simple Things

Today was a great day. 

The sun was shining, it was a perfect 76 F, the wind created a slight breeze at just the right times, and it's Saturday

It's the simple things. 

Like recognizing when the day is great because you are a part of it. 

It's this picture

Which shows the beauty of creation. 

The trees. The ocean that lines the street. The blue sky. The beauty. 

Saturday's are the best days.

 Especially when they look like this.


Tuesday, July 9, 2013


Remember the Summer Bucket List that I posted on here about a week ago? 

Yep. I thought so. Well...things are getting checked off!

The picture below is proof that s'mores happened last night and I have zero regrets. In fact, I wish I would have made one tonight, too. 

S'mores are so simple. And SO yummy. And a little messy. But SO yummy. 

I digress. S'mores have been checked off but that doesn't mean that they won't be made again. Because they will. 

Now click on the link and print out your very own copy of the {Summer Bucket List} and get going!

Happy 4th of July!

Because I always need to remind myself of the specifics behind the 4th of July (embarrassing, I know), I thought that I would sum it up for you. Perhaps you needed clarification, too. 

On July 4, 1776 the United States declared its independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain. Thus, we have Independence Day. 

I love America for many reasons; freedom being #1. Further on down the list is the fact that Americans celebrate any holiday with food (tons of it), family, friends, and festivities.

4th of July is no exception. 

With friends as good company I spent the day stuffing my face, kicking back and laying low..and lighting some a lot of fireworks. 

Video below: Check out the fireworks we lit in the street. Take a peak at the ground for an estimation of about half of the fireworks that we had that night. Fun times were had. 

A big THANKS goes out to our troops for protecting us and fighting on the front lines each and every day!

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Summer Bucket List

I just love the summer.
Sunshine. Shorts. Sunglasses. Outdoors. Fresh fruit. 

I also love a good challenge and experiencing new things. 
Enter: Summer Bucket List. 

For an awesome summer bucket list click here! Credit goes to for the cute and fabulous download. 

You're going to love it. Everything from blowing bubbles to going to the beach. This is just what you need to get your summer rolling right along. 


Monday, July 1, 2013


Someone told me recently that I needed to get a twitter and instagram account. I am not one for all of the social media stuff but thought that I would add one at a time. After all, it is the 21st century and we are only becoming more tech savvy as time goes on. 

So here it goes. I'm on instagram. KLAGALE. follow me. I'd love that :)

2 grams down, a lifetime to go... 

#firstgram #travel #sbbound

The tallest is off to college tomorrow.
#soproud #goodluck

And on that note, I will elaborate on my second gram. 

Lenny is on his way to college, right now! The little Lenny that used to be a bit chunky, loves meat, hates vegatables/fruit, and enjoys time on the couch will attend South Dakota State University! He is taking summer school classes to get ahead and work out in the athletics department. Why? Because he's going to play football, 

Can't wait to see him out there on the field in blue and gold (and in South Dakota in the fall, spring, and summer). 

That's it for now.