Wednesday, December 19, 2018

The countdown is on!

A few more pictures from Semester at Sea Spring 2011
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Cape Coast, Ghana

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Tuk-tuk ride in India!
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Bags almost packed/view of cabin

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Mom, Kristen (sister), and Grandparents waiting for me to disembark in San Diego!

Thursday, December 13, 2018

The Voyage of a Lifetime!

Semester at Sea AGAIN!

Hi friends!
I come with exciting news. I am preparing to embark on a journey around the world with Semester at Sea again this spring. I was fortunate to have the experience as a student in the spring of 2011 and am beyond blessed to have the opportunity to sail again as a staff member this spring (2019). I'm sure you have questions, so I've answered a few of them below. 

Q & A:
So will you learn how to sail? Nope, the ship is run and operated by a talented professional staff.

What is your job? I'll be a Resident Assistant living and working alongside the students on board.

How long is the voyage? 106 days

What countries will you visit? 11 countries (counting the US), 4 continents - Japan, China, Viet Nam, Burma, India, Mauritius, South Africa, Ghana, Morocco, and the Netherlands

When do students go to class? Class takes place almost every day that the ship is at sea.

Will you have internet access? Yes, but it will be limited... so follow me on here, instagram, and facebook!

Follow along:
Instagram: @klagale
Facebook: Kayla Gale Smith
Voyage Email:
Permanent Email:

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Some of my favorite pictures from Semester at Sea, Spring 2011

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At the Great Wall in China
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Township kids and I in South Africa
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Recreation time on board, playing dodge ball!
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On the ship in Dominica
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Transportation Depot in Ghana
XO Kayla