Tuesday, September 18, 2012

3 Things

When I left work this afternoon, I told myself that there were 3 things that I needed to do before bed.

My list went a little something like this...

1. Assemble Bookshelf
I re-arranged my room about a week ago {post still to come} but needed a small shelving unit to house papers, photo albums, hats, and cool travel decor items that I've been meaning to find a space for. I found the perfect bookshelf at Target for......wait for it........$20!!!! Twenty bucks is all it took to fill my need and make me one happy gal!

                       What I was working with...                                 My new beauty!
                           [Found it for free]                                         [$20 at Target]

I haven't finished decorating the bookshelf and I still need to buy a shadowbox to hang/prop above it, but this will do for now.

2. Go for a Run
This one is simple. I need to exercise.

I have yet to complete this task. Simply because I got home and ate rice krispies cereal with sugar instead. And now I feel too gross to go on a run. I really, really need to get out and move this body of mine. Ughh I will do it today. I will do it today. I will do it today...

3. Clean my Room
Ever since I re-arranged my room, it hasn't been orderly like I am used to. I have incomplete projects laying around and that, in my mind, gives me an excuse for being lazy and not putting things away. I have a chair full of clothes that need to be ironed. I have a bed that wasn't made this morning. I have multiple pairs of shoes on the ground. I have a laundry hamper that is almost full. I have a lot going on in here.

Basically, I have yet to  clean my room {except for vacuuming the little spot that I just moved the bookshelf to}.

I'm 1 for 3 thus far. But hey, it could be worse. 
This post was my not-so-sneaky way of procrastinating. 
I must get back to working on my to-do list. 

Hopefully, I can report back tomorrow that I finished everything!

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