Sunday, January 27, 2013

Happy (Almost) Black History Month!!!

I sure do love the month of February!

It's technically the beginning of the year so I still feel "fresh". 

It's the "month of love" where I get chocolates in the mail from my Grandpa. 

And.... it's Black History Month. 

This year,  Black History Month is extra special for a couple of reasons. 

1. It's the 150th Anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation
2. It's the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington
3. We are celebrating the 2nd term of President Barack Obama

How cool is that, people?!

To ring in Black History Month, I went to a local Worship and Celebration event sponsored by Visions of Hope. My favorite parts were the choir that sang a medley of church songs, a dialogue (mini play)  between President Lincoln and Fredrick Douglas, the teenager who played Amazing Grace on his trumpet!, and an up and coming artist, Troy Anthony, who sang a couple songs about Victory. 

It was a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon, that's for sure. 

It's coming...
Black History Month will be here in 5 days y'all :)

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

2013 "Resolutions"

I'm not one for resolutions because they usually don't work out 
(and we all know that I'm not the best with disappointment/failure). So, I've created a "Things To Do in 2013" list. My overall goal is to be a better person. I wake up each morning, say a prayer and declare that it will be a great day!

My List
1. Donate Blood. 
Once would be great, but more than once would be awesome! I've been in the country for a full year now and that's the only thing I was waiting for. And besides donating because it's the right thing to do, I need to find out my blood type!
2. Finish my Master's Degree. 
I haven't read this much since...well, since I can remember. I'm on track to finish in June. Pray that I can keep pressing forward and grind it out.
3. Sign up to donate bone marrow.
This has been on my "to-do " list for a couple years now. It might be painful and require a hospital stay, but it's the least that I can do for someone. We're talking life and death.
4. Read my Bible more, like daily.
I love devotionals and Bible Study's but haven't been in one for a few years. I've been thirsting for a good study so my friend and I went to the bookstore to search for a study we would both love. We found How to hear from God by Joyce Meyer and it's already been purchased and shipped. I can't wait to dig in and start our study.
5. Do all of those things (listed below) on a daily basis. My quest is to be a better person. And that's what I'm working on.

So there you have it. My New Year's Resolutions  
"Things To Do in 2013" list. 

P.S. I think I'm doing a great job on these things so far :)