I'm not one for resolutions because they usually don't work out
(and we all know that I'm not the best with disappointment/failure). So, I've created a "Things To Do in 2013" list. My overall goal is to be a better person. I wake up each morning, say a prayer and declare that it will be a great day!
My List
1. Donate Blood.
Once would be great, but more than once would be awesome! I've been in the country for a full year now and that's the only thing I was waiting for. And besides donating because it's the right thing to do, I need to find out my blood type!
2. Finish my Master's Degree.
I haven't read this much since...well, since I can remember. I'm on track to finish in June. Pray that I can keep pressing forward and grind it out.
3. Sign up to donate bone marrow.
This has been on my "to-do " list for a couple years now. It might be painful and require a hospital stay, but it's the least that I can do for someone. We're talking life and death.
4. Read my Bible more, like daily.
I love devotionals and Bible Study's but haven't been in one for a few years. I've been thirsting for a good study so my friend and I went to the bookstore to search for a study we would both love. We found How to hear from God by Joyce Meyer and it's already been purchased and shipped. I can't wait to dig in and start our study.
5. Do all of those things (listed below) on a daily basis. My quest is to be a better person. And that's what I'm working on.
So there you have it. My New Year's Resolutions
"Things To Do in 2013" list.
"Things To Do in 2013" list.
P.S. I think I'm doing a great job on these things so far :)
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