Thursday, December 19, 2013

Road Trip 2013

My dearest Semester at Sea friend, Kelly, came out to California to work for a couple of months (Sept-Nov). While preparing for her return to Florida, we came up with the grand idea that I would drive back with her! So clever we are. It was pretty simple to us. Pack our stuff, get in the car, and drive until we got there. 

We planned where we would lay our heads at night but that's about it.

I also wanted to learn how to use iMovie. And with an iPhone, it couldn't be that hard to film everything. So this was the perfect project. Short enough that I could make this video in a couple days. But long enough that I could practice using just about every feature and perfect (ha!) my technique as well. 

Everyone needs a video like this to look at when they're 80. I know we'll never forget those 10 hour days in the car. Thank goodness for cell phones, bluetooth, yelp, and unlimited song choices. 

We never got bored, didn't eat junk food...just enjoyed each other and made conversation. This trip is one for the books. 

It's a little lengthy but when I'm 80, I'll have 15 minutes to spare. Guaranteed. 

We had a ball, to say the least. I have a sneaky suspicion that another trip like this is in our future. Who knows, we might be the type to take trips like this to escape our roles as wife and mother. But that would require each of us to find a husband, first.