Saturday, January 22, 2011


Dominica is pronounced dough-meh-knee-ca (say it slowly then faster and you’ll get it)
BEAUTIFUL!!! The island is gorgeous…filled with lusciousness. Thirty of us took a “Bumping Tour” with Gary and Levi all around the island. We went to Ti Tou Gorge and swam in a cave. We “hiked” 10 minutes to get to there and had a blast. There were a couple waterfalls and we even stood on the same ledge where a seen in Pirates and the Caribbean was filmed. I jumped off a cliff (slight exaggeration but it was high and my scream was loud). Next we went to Trafalgar Falls which had hot springs. Basically, a hot tub in another cave. The water was still really clear and we definitely sat there for a while just enjoying life and where we are. Our guide Gary asked if anyone was feeling adventurous…ummm YES! So we hiked some (a lot more) more with BARE FEET to a waterfall…over boulders, through a creek, and in rocky pebble stuff. The water there was cold and the view was unbelievable. Gary, our driver, had some blunts and when we got to the waterfall he busted it out and had himself a grand ole time. It was classic. We then had to climb back down. By this time I felt like a monkey and was ready to get back in the hot tub to rinse off. After that we ventured down to Champagne Reef to go snorkeling. When we got there we were starving so we ate at the little sandwich shop. The ONE guy making over 40 sandwiches definitely had a type A personality and insisted on making every sandwich perfect. Resulting in the average wait of 45-60 minutes. HOWEVER, I attract all the locals and had several offers to have my sandwich made in front of others…I finally gave in and basically cut in front of 20 people. Then we went snorkeling…sooo much fun. It was a little hard to breath at first but once I got the hang of it I loved it!

In the Dominica EVERYTHING is closed on Sunday…except when a large cruise comes to town. So they opened a night club for us…how nice, right? I managed to get us a $1 ride to the club, Crazy Coconuts. We thought that there was going to be a cover but there wasn’t. I also managed to get 4 free drinks…don’t worry I gave some to my friends. And you wouldn’t believe it…I also managed to get us a FREE ride back to the ship! AND when our driver dropped us off he gave me a CD from his car haha Perfect! Overall, great first day and great first port. Dominica I will miss you greatly.


  1. LOL> Your stories are so funny, everyone is really enjoying them. Keep writing.

  2. Did you say blunt? I can only imagine how the driver was feeling. Have a great time.

  3. hahaha this is great... sounds like you are taking our traditions of sb to other parts of the world!!!
